Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2007
Homwork: Letter
Dear John,

I hope you got this letter. I´m sorry but is was not possible to whrite this lettre in former times. They took us in a camp. It´s horrible because I´m alone, my mother and my father were brought to other camps because they think my father is an jampanese secret agent. I´m alive, I have something to eat and to sleep but the food is not very well and I have to sleep with 5 other boy in a room. I want to get out of here. Don´t be worry they said I will be free soon but first I must pass the test. I don´t know what it is but if I do everything right I will be free.

Li Gongai

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Homework 12.06.07
Have you ever seen a racist? Know? You can find them everywhere. So keep your eyes peeled and if you know one call us and you will never see him again!

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Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007
Did you know that...?
Did you know that 45% of the Chinese Americans who has immigrated since 1850 lived in San Francisco in 1900? Hundred thousand af Chinese immigratet to the USA between 1850 and 1900. Thousand of Chinese are still immigrating to the USA today.

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Did you know that...?
Did you know that Antonio Taguba is the 2nd and most recent Filipino American to be a General Officier in the U.S. Army ?

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Did you know that...?
Didyou know that between 1924 and 1960 120.000 Philipinos immigrated to the USA to search for work. They were afflicted with poverty and bad living conditions. They hoped for a better life.

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Did you know that...?
Did you know that in China nobody knows what a fortune cookie is?
Fortune cookies are very popular all over the world except china. You got them in every china-restaurant but the cookie has its origin the USA and is an invetion of the 20th century. It had been inventet by Makato Hagiwara a japanese american who lived in San Francisco and was the owner of a teehouse in the Golden Gate Park.

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Sonntag, 20. Mai 2007
Did You know that...
the Filipinos did not invent the Jo-Jo?
-They alwas say that they had invent the Jo-Jo, but there is no proof that they had done this really!

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